The Garden Blog

  • Back to Bedlam

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    Well, it’s been… a while. We last left off at the end of our first and busiest ever NGS season. Ten events – five public – five by arrangement – …

  • It’s technically October but botanically September. With recent temperatures approaching 25°C and wall-to-wall sunshine, we’re kind-of having the summer we should have had, it’s just several months late. The garden …

  • It’s been a while since the last post and that’s mainly because the second half of the season had several NGS Open Days and private group visits packed in. In …

  • The Summer Wash-out

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    We’re well into summer now and I’m sat here wearing sweatpants, long sleeves and a dressing gown, trying to keep warm. It’s no secret that summer in the UK this …

  • The Halfway Mark

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    We’ve just had another Public NGS Open Day and so I slept in til around 10:30am this morning. Five events down, five to go. We’re at the half-way mark and …

  • The Scent of Summer

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    Walk around the garden at this time of year and you’re assailed from all sides by scented plants. Most have fragrant flowers, some have fragrant leaves that are planted to …

neighbourhood explorer

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