Lonely Miss Bateman

The Clematis “Miss Bateman” is now in full flower:

This is it – all of it – that lone, single, solitary flower. We had only one last year and only one the year before that. This clematis is taking a very long time to establish in it’s now-not-very-new home. It was bought a few years ago rather cheaply from a well-known supermarket as a very small plant in a 9-cm pot. It grows up a bamboo tripod about 2m tall and right now, has reached the top as an almost single-stemmed plant.

I shall leave Miss Bateman to grow, mature and bush out. Hopefully it will have a good growing season and grow out some more and won’t get flattened by an awful winter as it did last year and the year before that.

I do find the flower of Miss Bateman quite beautiful. The pale mint-green band down the centre of each petal and the contrasting purple-tipped cream stamens give a real elegance about the flower. It’s a shame there’s only one.

Never mind, I shall be patient and give it time. Perhaps there will be more flowers next year.

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