A Seriously Big Pile of…

I’m not very good at estimating quantities and so things reached an all new level of absurdity with the order and arrival of this:

That is almost 1 tonne of well rotted manure, sat right across the drive and however you look at it, it’s one big pile of *.

In order to be able to get our driveway back we’ve had to decant it into anything that looked vaguely like some sort of container. We’ve filled:

  • the large blue recycle bin
  • the large green bin (luckily for us they were emptied yesterday and we can use the neighbour’s bins for actual rubbish until we’ve reclaimed ours)
  • two garden trugs
  • a tall hessian sack
  • four black buckets
  • a large plant pot

That’s after we dumped several bucket’s worth in the front garden borders.

We’ve had all the jokes too:

  • having to deal with all this *
  • knee deep/drowning in *
  • a big pile of *
  • whose * is it anyway?

I’m actually really rather worried about the sheer quantity there is. There’s just so much it’s overwhelming and it’s got to go somewhere. It feels as though with the amount we’ve got, we could raise the whole garden by at least a foot.

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